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Archeology In Malaysia

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Tajuk buku: Archaeology in Malaysia

ISBN: 983-2514-35-5

Nama : Penulis: Zuraina Majid

Tahun diterbitkan: 2003

Ketebalan: 20.5 mm

Berat: 1.74

Sinopsis: “…satu hasil penulisan yang amat bersejarah dan sewajarnya dibanggakan oleh seluruh rakyat Malaysia mencintai sejarah Negara… (dan) dapat memberikan pengetahuan baru zaman prasejarah serta merupakan satu sumbangan penting dalam pengertian jati diri bingsa Malaysia, bahawa kita sememangnya mempunyai asas dan akar kebudayaan yang lama sekali, … satu bacaan yang amat menarik dengan gaya bahasa yang mudah, disokong dengan gambar-gambur yang menarik"

Dato' Dr. Adi HJ Taha, Ketua Pengarah, Jabatam Muzium dan Antikuiti, Malaysia

"This splendidly illustrated book presents an excellent introduction to the archaeological study of the deep past … and the research has definitely put Malaysia on the archaeological map. Professor Zuraina provides clear and easily comprehensible explanations of such technical matters as dating the past, as well as conveying the excitement of discovery. The enthralling story … will appeal to Malaysians and foreigners alike"

Professor Sandra Bowdler, Head, Centre for Archaeology, University of Western Australia

“…one of the most important contributions to Southeast Asian archaeology in recent years and likely to remain so for many years to come."

Professor Rasmi Shoocongdej, Head, Dept of Archaeology, Silpakorn University, Thailand

"To an archaeologist, putting broken stones and shards together to reconstruct the remote human history is a challenge; writing a popular archaeological book that can be comprehended by ordinary readers is an even bigger challenge. Professor Zuraina has just done both. She shares with us her remarkable achievement … and through it we see with enthusiasm that a country with a rich and long history is emerging in Southeast Asia

Professor GAO Xing, Director for Zhoukoudian Paleoanthropological Research Centre, China

Harga: RM 200.00